Quirkie Su

Hi Amanda, tell us a little about Quirkie Su…
At Quirkie Su both my daughter Rory and I design and make unique, quirky, handmade soft toys, brooches and cushions from reclaimed and new materials using carefully sourced products in our home on the Mornington Peninsular.
Why and how did you get started?
It’s a long story… But I have always been “arty” & creative, and after having my 2 girls I wanted to work from home doing something I loved, as I believe you should always follow your passion if you are able to.

How did you learn your craft?
My mum was my biggest influence craft-wise. She taught me knitting, crocheting, sewing, macrame and spinning at a young age. Then when I was in year 11 & 12 I studied art/design at Frankston Tech, then went on to complete 1 year of an Assoc. Diploma in Ceramics at Caulfield in the late ’80s. From there a lot of my work is trial & error… Rory is just a natural.
How did you come up with your business name?
My partner Craig said my handmade soft toys had a “quirky look” to them. My middle name is Sue, and Rory is Rory-Sioux, so we thought, ‘How about Quirkie Su?’

What did you want to be when you were a child?
Famous!! Or a primary school art teacher.
What’s the hardest thing about running your creative business?
I procrastinate. Then when I get busy I don’t take much time out for myself. Working from home takes a lot of discipline, but I love it.

Who or what inspires you?
Rory comes up with great ideas, then I work on them. I also get visions of what I want the product to look like and put that to paper then make it. I find ideas all around, either in nature, or people’s animals, especially dogs, which are our main selling item.
Tell us about your work space…
Do you want the truth? It’s usually messy! Craig wonders how I can work in amongst it all. But I can just close the door. It is a large room where in my past life (he he) I was a massage/Bowen/Reiki therapist. Then my elderly mum lived with us for 5 years before she passed last year. Now I’m back in the room whereas before I worked in a 4 x 2 space under stairs annoying everyone in the lounge room.

Where can we find your handmade soft toys, brooches & cushions?
At The make it Collective Shop, Paragon Blue Rye and Emu Plains Market from October to May.
What do you love about being part of The Make It Collective community?
Being amongst likeminded people who share the same passion of making something work if you truly believe in yourself. And the support from each other and friendship.

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