MC drawn

Hi Miranda, tell us a little about MC drawn…
My MC drawn collection blends traditional illustration techniques with contemporary flavours. It’s a somewhat personal offering from hours accumulated within sketchbooks.
Why and how did you get started?
Leading up to releasing an illustrated collection I was keeping an online blog of sketches. I was going through a transition where I wasn’t satisfied solely creating computer generated design work and wanted to return to my analogue roots.
Deciding I needed more of a change I freelanced as a designer for a while and during this time really pushed my own personal work. It was hard work but also very satisfying. I learnt so much, on a personal and professional note, balancing my own businesses and found myself connecting with a broader community.

How did you learn your craft?
Without trying to be cliché about it, drawing has been a constant throughout my life. Along the way I picked up new techniques while exploring various mediums. Although I am a trained graphic designer I would say my greatest learning has come from regular unaided practice.
How did you come up with your business name?
I am terrible with names. I decided to keep it fairly to the point ‘MC’ being my initials tacked onto the word ‘drawn’ (which I don’t think I need to explain.)

What did you want to be when you were a child?
Like most children I pondered many occupations – a teacher, a vet… but ultimately I was always most at peace making things. I don’t think I realised or had the aim of this being a pursuit. It was more a need which had to be fulfilled.
What’s the hardest thing about running your creative business?
Behind the scenes there’s a constant juggle to run and market a creative business. As much as one would just like to create there’s a lot of administrative work that needs to be attended. Time can be very short. Falling into creative lulls, usually after a busy period, can be difficult to climb out of.

Who or what inspires you?
My inspiration is usually fairly close to home. Sometimes it can be an everyday object that inspires me, the desire to work with a colour, or seeing a cat run down the street.
I have a bookshelf brimming with various visual books as well as good DVD collection containing various docos of artists and musicians. I enjoy hearing other creatives discuss their inspiration and back story.
Collaborations also inspire me. One such inspiration is Melbourne based writer Jessica Knight whom I am fortunate to work with on numerous zines. It’s a wonderful process sharing work in such a way.
Tell us about your work space…
Largely my workspace is my home. I keep a small basic desk as my drawing space. It’s often far more cluttered than it should be. I like to surround myself with plants, artworks from other people (often who
I am fortunate to have met), books and have music playing. I like being surrounded by things which are personal, and meaningful to me.
Sometimes, when the weather is warmer, I’ll take my sketchbooks with me and just sit somewhere and sketch. I am lucky that my creative work can travel, I don’t have to be tied to a desk.

Where can we find MC drawn illustrations, brooches, gift cards & accessories?
Currently my pieces can be found in a few stores in Melbourne including The Make it Collective. Jessica and I also tend to pop up at zine fairs. Otherwise I can be found online at www.mcdrawn.com (more stockist information, upcoming events available there too), as well as Instagram.
What do you love about being part of The Make It Collective community?
I really love meeting the other makers. It’s uplifting, motivating and supportive meeting creatives who are pushing their own boundaries.
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